Our litigation team offers our clients advice to prevent contingencies and avoid future disputes or conflicts related to intellectual property rights; if these occur, we plan and develop strategies to solve them.
This area provides specialized litigation services in which we promote and employ the actions and defenses that are necessary and appropriate for each particular case that arises regarding trademarks, trade names and notices, patents, utility models, industrial designs, industrial secrets, unfair competition, domain names and copyrights.

In most cases, disputes arising in the field of intellectual property continue in the following instances through the means of challenge that exist in the field, a field in which we have vast experience, knowledge and practice. Regularly these resources are the following:
- Appeal for Review processed before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) and the National Copyright institute (INDAUTOR).
- Contentious Administrative Proceeding followed before the Specialized Chamber for Intellectual Property matters.
- Indirect Amparo Proceeding before the District Courts in Administrative matters.
- Direct Amparo proceeding before the Collegiate Courts in Administrative matters
- Appeal for review of a Direct Amparo Proceeding which is competence of the Supreme Court of Justice.
We have extensive academic and professional experience in the areas of Administrative Amparo Proceedings, Administrative Procedure and general Administrative law, among other issues related to Mexican Official Standards and procedures followed
before the Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (COFEPRIS) and the Federal Consumer Protection Office (PROFECO).
We are even honored by the recognitions given by our clients in relation to various litigations in which we have intervened, not only for the successful outcome, but also for the way in which we have argued, strategized and addreessed them, to name a few.