Dedicated primarily to the firm’s franchise and corporate areas. She has developed and implemented comprehensive services which offer effective solutions to clients for the expansion of business models.
Mariana de la Luna Pacheco Morel
Junior Partner / Franchises, Corporate and Data Privacy.
Law Degree
Languages : Spanish and English
Postgraduate studies (institution)
Master’s Degree in Corporate Law from the Legal Sciences College.
Specialization in Industrial Property from the Institute of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (IPIDEC).
Courses and/or Diplomas (institution)
Diploma in Business Administration from Anahuac University.
Diploma in Personal Data Protection from Anahuac University.
Mexican Franchise Association (AMF)).
International Franchise Association (IFA).
Mexican Association of Women Entrepreneurs (AMMJE).
Contact me
Please note: Sending an e-mail to us will not make us your lawyers. You will not be considered a client of the firm until we have agreed to act for you in accordance with our usual policies for accepting clients. Unless you are a current client of Jalife Caballero®, please do not include any confidential information in your e-mail, because no information you send us can be held in confidence, and no information we provide to you can be treated by you as legal advice, unless and until we have agreed to act for you.