Attorney at law of the franchising and corporate area of the firm.
Translator of several publications from English to Spanish and vice versa, including the book “How to choose a leader” author Maurizio Viroli, published by Princeton University Press.
Editorial Collaboration and Research for the books:
Comments to the General Act of Transparency and Access to Public Information.
Study on the Scope of the Right of Access to Information in Public Universities and Higher Education Institutions with Autonomy, derived from the Constitutional Reform on Transparency.
Sandra Eugenia Velasco Méndez
Attorney at law / Franchises, Corporate and Personal Data Protection
Law Degree
Languages : Spanish, English and French
Postgraduate studies (institution)
Specialization in Financial Law from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Courses and/or diplomas (institution)
Certifícate of Advance English of Cambridge University CAE.
Diploma of French Language Studies DELF.
Mexican Franchise Association (AMF).
International Franchise Association (IFA).
Mexican Association of Women Entrepreneur (AMMJE).